Can A Dental Bridge Be Removed And Recemented?

Can A Dental Bridge Be Removed And Recemented?

Team Dental Bridge

Whether you already have a dental bridge or are considering getting one to replace a missing tooth or teeth, it’s important to understand when they may need to be removed. Dental bridges can and may actually need to be removed for several reasons. In some cases, your dentist may be able to recement them and reuse the same bridge.

What is a Bridge?

A bridge uses crowns that are attached to existing teeth on either side of the gap or to dental implants. The dentist places a false tooth, known as a pontic, between the crowns that fill in the space left by the missing tooth or teeth. Unlike removable options like full or partial dentures, a dental bridge is a permanent dental restoration treatment for replacing missing teeth.

When Does a Dental Bridge Need to be Removed?

Dental bridges can be a reliable and effective solution for many individuals. Still, some situations may require bridge removal. Dental bridges may need to be removed in cases of:

Tooth Decay

If the natural teeth underneath the crowns begin to decay, it can compromise the bridge’s stability. Improperly fitting bridges can result in the buildup of tartar and calculus beneath the crowns, causing damage to the supporting teeth. In these cases, the bridge may need to be removed and replaced.

Gum Disease

Unfortunately, dental bridges can increase the risk of gingivitis or periodontitis. Regular dental cleanings, proper oral hygiene, and early detection can prevent or resolve mild gum disease without removing the bridge. On the other hand, advanced gum disease may require bridge removal.

Cracks in Crowns or False Tooth

Bridge removal will likely be necessary if cracks or fractures develop in the crowns or the false tooth between them. The good news is that dentists can sometimes repair minor cracks without removing the entire bridge. Still, significant damage to any bridge component will require its removal.

Removal of a Bridge

Loose or poorly fitting bridges can be easily removed and re-cemented. However, if your dentist needs to remove your bridge to address periodontitis or tooth decay under a crown, the strong bond created by dental cement can make removal difficult. 

The dentist may need to use a drill, and the bridge might not be re-cementable. If this happens, your dentist may recommend a new bridge or alternative solutions like dental implants.

If you experience any issues with your dental bridge, consult your dentist promptly. They will be able to assess the problem and determine the appropriate course of action. Keep in mind that early intervention can prevent further complications and ensure the best possible dental health outcome.

Dental Bridges at Stuart Prosthetic Dentistry

Dental bridges can and may need to be removed and sometimes recemented depending on an individual’s situation. At Stuart Prosthetic Dentistry, we offer many options to replace missing teeth and improve your smile. We can discuss your options for a dental bridge or help care for any current bridges you might already have.

To learn more about your providers and services, contact us today at 772.286.1606  or request an appointment online.