Are Dental Implants Safe?

Team Dental Implants

If you’re the type who does a lot of research before a medical or dental procedure, you’ve probably landed upon some concerning stories about the risks of dental implants. Dr. Tyler is a strong advocate of patient education, which means he’s open and honest about the fact that getting dental implants involves a surgical procedure and, as with any surgery, there are risks and complications that you need to be aware of. The good news is that by choosing an experienced dental implant specialist like Dr. Tyler, you’ll minimize any potential risks.

Dental Implant Safety

Dental implants are so safe that they've become the preferred replacement for missing teeth. Although they may seem like a new development, titanium implant posts have been around for more than half a century and they have a success rate of 95 to 98 percent after 10 years. 

Some of the common complications you’ll see mentioned on the internet regarding dental implants are headaches, jaw pain, and chronic low-level infection. There has been a lot of research done on these subjects over the years, and no studies have shown that implants cause chronic health concerns.

In fact, dental implants are recommended by dentists because they prevent the chronic health problems associated with tooth loss. Dental implants preserve jaw bone density, which is essential for your oral health, as well as your overall health. Your bite becomes weaker as the jaw begins to break down, making it harder to eat the well-balanced diet your body needs to perform at its best.

Risks of Dental Implants

The following are some of the most common dental implant risks:

Surgical Complications

Nerve injury, bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues are all risks associated with any surgery, including dental implants. If you opt to receive dental sedation during your procedure, you should be aware that there are some risks involved in this as well. While some complications are unavoidable, their likelihood goes down when you get dental implants from a skilled specialist.

Dental Implant Failure

The majority of implant failures are caused by either a patient who does not follow aftercare instructions or a dentist who has insufficient training, expertise, or has not properly screened their patients. As an example of this, some patients travel outside of the country to receive dental implants at a lower cost, but the procedure may not be completed to the same standard as it would be in the United States.

Your dental implants might fail because:

  • After your dental implant surgery, you start smoking again.

  • You have an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, that makes it harder for you to heal after surgery or puts you at increased risk of infection.

  • You develop gum disease.

  • You don't get regular preventive dental care.

  • You don’t have the necessary jawbone support for dental implants.

  • You take medications that make it difficult for your body to absorb calcium.

  • You had chemotherapy or radiation treatments after dental implant surgery.

Dental implants are safe when the procedure is performed by a skilled dental implant specialist. While many dentists offer dental implants these days, it’s important to find a specialist who performs the procedure often and has dealt with a wide range of cases.

Learn More About Dental Implants

If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants or have questions about their safety, contact us today at 772.286.1606 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tyler.